ESSENTIAL : Before any operation on the structure of a vehicle fitted with a traction battery, the vehicle must be isolated by an authorised technician.
ESSENTIAL : Observe the safety and cleanliness recommendations
ESSENTIAL : Observe the precautions to be taken for the pyrotechnic components
ESSENTIAL : Any repair work carried out on a vehicle with on board electric energy (electric vehicle/hybrid vehicle) must be carried out by an authorised person.
CAUTION : All of the stripped surfaces must be protected by means of the approved electrolytic rezincing process .
CAUTION : The number of spot welds or weld beads required for assembling a new component must be identical to the number of spot welds or weld beads attaching the original component.
1. Information
Types of spot welds or beads using the electric arc process :
Designation of the high strength panels :
N.B. : Use the products recommended by the manufacturer
2. Tooling
Workshop equipment :
Tool | Reference | Description |
| [1366-ZZ] | Toolkit for testing electric spot welds |
| [1366] | Samples for testing electric spot welds |
| [1126] | Set of drill bits for removing spot welds |
| [FEIN-400E] | "FEIN-400E" electric knife kit"C1" FEIN electric knife "400E""C2" offset hub saw blade- "C3" blade N°103 |
3. Preliminary operations
ESSENTIAL : Deactivate the pyrotechnic systems
CAUTION : Perform the operations that are required before disconnecting the ancillaries batteries
Disconnect the ancillaries batteries (Following the specific procedure
CAUTION : Either remove or protect those components which are in the repair zone and risk being damaged by the heat or the dust.
Remove :
Release the electrical harnesses.
4. Location : Replacement part
Identification | Description |
(1) | Load floor rear part |
5. Identification of the replacement part
5.1. Composition : Load floor rear part
Identification | Description | Thickness | Nature/classification |
(1) | Load floor rear part | 0,65 mm | Very high strength (VHSS) |
CAUTION : Take into account the difference in thickness of the part when setting the welding station.
5.2. Identification of the parts adjacent to the replacement part
Identification | Description | Thickness | Nature/classification |
(2) | Rear panel assembly | 0,65 mm | High strength (HSS) |
(3) | Rear upper side member | 1,35 mm | Ultra high strength (UHSS) |
(4) | Load floor front part | 0,65 mm | Mild steel |
6. Replacement part preparation
CAUTION : When cleaning the mating edges, use scouring wheels only to avoid damaging the anticorrosion protection.
Prepare the mating edges and protect them using a weldable primer (index "C7").
Mark then drill to a diameter of 7 mm for later plug welding.
N.B. : Apply the weldable primer on the internal faces of the panels to be welded.
7. Cutting of the part on the body
Cut out the spot welds .
Cut out the spot welds .
Dimension "A" = 18 mm.
Mark (at "a") to the dimension "A", then cut ; Using the electric knife [FEIN-400E].
CAUTION : Do not damage the parts located under the load floor rear part when cutting.
Remove the load floor panel (Rear section).
Level off the remaining flanges of the load floor.
8. Cleaning and preparation of the body
Prepare the mating edges and protect them using a weldable primer (index "C7").
N.B. : Apply the weldable primer on the internal faces of the panels to be welded.
9. Adjustment
Position :
Clamp the part into position.
10. Welding
CAUTION : Set the welding station.
Setting of the welding station :
CAUTION : The number of spot welds or weld beads required for assembling a new component must be identical to the number of spot welds or weld beads attaching the original component.
Weld with MAG plug welds.
Grind the MAG plug welds.
Weld with electric spot welds.
11. Sealing protection
Apply :
Painting, then spraying of the index "C5" product into the hollow sections in the repair zone.
12. Additional operations
Refit the electrical harnesses and reinstall all removed components.
13. Reinitialisation
ESSENTIAL : Reactivate the pyrotechnic systems
CAUTION : Perform the operations that are required after reconnecting the ancillaries batteries
Reconnect the ancillaries batteries (Following the specific procedure
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