ESSENTIAL : Observe the safety and cleanliness recommendations
1. Introduction
The objective of this document is to list all of the recommendations for use of electrical breakout harnesses in general and any special recommendations for a given electrical breakout harness if needed.
2. General recommendations
2.1. Disconnection / Connection
Any instance of disconnecting/connecting an electrical breakout harness must be performed with the ignition switched off.
Correctly handle the connectors on the ECUs when disconnecting/connecting the electrical breakout harnesses : Force exerted on the connection shaft of the male/female connectors.
If the affected ECU needs to be removed when connecting the electrical breakout harness, handle the affected ECU with care.
Special case with a computer with multiple grouped connectors (Example : Engine management ECU ) :
Clear the disconnection/connection area before using the electrical breakout harnesses (no dust, foreign bodies etc.) : Risk of electrical malfunctions and/or connection problems.
2.2. Use
The electric adapter harnesses are not sealed (connectors, housing etc.) : Ban on using electrical breakout harnesses in a wet environment (driving in rain, snow, mud etc.).
For use of electrical breakout harnesses when driving : Correctly route the electrical breakout harness and electrical bundle (if required) to prevent any malfunctions while driving.
Use the adapted part number for the electrical breakout harness in relation to the ECU to diagnose.
2.3. Storage
Keep the electrical breakout harnesses away from dust and moisture.
2.4. Colour association
Where present, match the colours of the electrical breakout harness connectors to the colours of the electrical harness connectors and the colours of the connectors of the component in the vehicle.
3. Special recommendations
3.1. 8-gear automatic gearbox electrical breakout harness [12114-B]
Correctly handle the electrical breakout harness [12114-B] when connecting at the connector located on the 8-speed automatic gearbox (AxN8).
The connector is fitted loosely on the automatic gearbox, increasing the risk of a connection problem between the automatic gearbox male connector and the electrical breakout harness female connector (axial connection) : Considerable risk of twisting the automatic gearbox male connector pins.
3.2. 6-gear automatic gearbox electrical breakout harness [12101]
Correctly handle the electrical breakout harness [12101] when connecting at the connector located on the 6-speed automatic gearbox (Ax6).
The connector is fitted loosely on the automatic gearbox, increasing the risk of a connection problem between the automatic gearbox male connector and the electrical breakout harness female connector (axial connection) : Considerable risk of twisting the automatic gearbox male connector pins.
3.3. Electrical breakout harness [12102-Z]] for the ESP ECU
ESSENTIAL : Following a modification of the cross-section of the electrical wires that make up the vehicle electrical harness(es), use the electrical breakout harness [12102-Z].
3.4. Electrical breakout harness [1290-C] for the built-in systems interface (BSI1)
CAUTION : Take care when connecting/disconnecting the 60-way connector from the electrical breakout harness [1290-C] on the built-in systems interface as this connector may be difficult to lock/unlock.
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