ESSENTIAL : Observe the safety and cleanliness recommendations
ESSENTIAL : All personnel carrying out work on a vehicle fitted with traction batteries must have received specific electric vehicle training and be authorised to work on these vehicles (observe the regulations in force in the respective country).
N.B. : The breathalyser connection complies with the UNE EN 50436-7 : 2016 standard.
N.B. : The breathalyser connection document includes information concerning the supplies by ancillaries battery, “CAN positive”, “ignition positive”, earthing and activation of the starter (Namely solution 3.1.a from the regulation EU 2021_1243).
N.B. : The breathalyser chosen for the installation must comply with European standards.
N.B. : The engine immobiliser breathalyser connection procedure is valid for left-hand drive and for right-hand drive.
Key : Operation symbols
1. Tooling
Workshop equipment : Electrical harnesses tooling
Tool | Reference | Description |
| [1350-ZZ] | Stripping tools |
2. Preliminary operations
CAUTION : Perform the operations that are required before disconnecting the ancillaries batteries
CAUTION : In the case of a vehicle with 2 batteries, carry out the specific operations for disconnecting and reconnecting the ancillaries batteries.
Disconnect the ancillaries battery or batteries (depending on equipment).
3. Prerequisite
A 5 A fuse must protect the breathalyser.
A relay integrated in the breathalyser must permit switching of the "START Authorisation" line, observe the following specifications :
The breathalyser :
N.B. : If these recommendations cannot be observed, the installer must advise the customer of this and not fit a breathalyser that does not observe the required specifications.
4. NEA architecture
The breathalyser is only fitted on the vehicles with :
4.1. Electrical diagram for system with steering lock (Mechanical key / High frequency remote control)
(1) Steering lock.
(2) Diagnostic socket.
(3) Breathalyser.
(4) Built-in systems interface (VSM1).
"a" Line "START Autorisation".
"b" Earth wire.
"c" “ancillaries battery positive” supply (pin "EB2-30" or "EB2-20" or "EB2-21") with minimum cross-section of 0,5 mm² (Breathalyser supply).
"d" “CAN" positive” supply (pin "EB2-31 or "EB2-29") with minimum cross-section of 0.5 mm² (Remote triggering of the breathalyser).
"e" Steering lock supply (pin "ED1-72").
"f" Breathalyser “ignition positive" supply with minimum cross-section of 0.5 mm² (Maintaining of the switched relay).
N.B. : Use the free track at "c" and "d".
4.2. Electrical diagram for system with starting switch
(5) Starting switch .
(2) Diagnostic socket.
(3) Breathalyser.
(4) Built-in systems interface (VSM1).
"a" Line "START autorisation".
"b" Earth wire.
"c" “ancillaries battery positive” supply (pin "EB2-30" or "EB2-20" or "EB2-21") with minimum cross-section of 0,5 mm² (Breathalyser supply).
"d" “CAN" positive” supply (pin "EB2-31 or "Eb2-29") with minimum cross-section of 0.5 mm² (Remote triggering of the breathalyser).
"e" Steering lock supply (ED1-72).
"f" Breathalyser “ignition positive" supply with minimum cross-section of 0,5 mm² (Maintaining of the switched relay).
N.B. : Use the free track at "c" and "d".
5. Procedure for connecting the breathalyser on a vehicle
CAUTION : For any electrical wires connection operation, consult the “electrical harnesses repair” procedure
5.1. Connection of the “ancillaries battery positive” and “CAN positive” supplies
Remove the built-in systems interface (VSM1) access trim (6) ; With the help of tool [1350-ZZ].
N.B. : For right-hand drive, remove the dashboard storage compartment.
Disconnect the built-in systems interface (VSM1) white 40-way connector "EB2".
Check, on the built-in systems interface (VSM1) connector :
5.2. Connection of the “ignition positive” supply
Connect the “ignition positive” supply of the breathalyser in track 1 on the diagnostic socket (2) (In "f").
5.3. Connection of the earth wire
Remove :
Release the floor carpet .
Connect the breathalyser earth wire (9) to the vehicle’s bodywork earth (In "b").
5.4. Connection of the breathalyser relay
Disconnect the built-in systems interface (VSM1) green "ED1" 76-way connector.
Cut the steering lock/starting switch supply wire connected to pin "ED1-72" (In "e") :
6. Refitting
Proceed in the reverse order to removal.
7. Additional operation
CAUTION : Perform the operations that are required before disconnecting the ancillaries batteries
CAUTION : In the case of a vehicle with 2 batteries, carry out the specific operations for disconnecting and reconnecting the ancillaries batteries.
Reconnect the ancillaries battery or batteries (depending on equipment).
Check the operation of the various equipment.
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