ESSENTIAL : Observe the safety and cleanliness recommendations
CAUTION : No resetting of the clutch wear adjustment is permitted.
1. Foreword
This document describes the additional procedure relating to the clutch mechanisms removal-refitting method; Apply the procedure according to the assembly identified.
2. Assembly ZF - SACHS
2.1. Check before removal
Case of reuse :
2.2. Check after refitting
After refitting the clutch mechanism : The wear adjustment system must be in the position marked on removal (at "a"), otherwise replace the clutch mechanism and friction plate assembly.
3. Assembly LUK
In the case of reuse, the position of the index (2) must be between the notches "b" and "c", otherwise replace the clutch mechanism and friction plate assembly.
N.B. : 3 indexes per mechanism.
4. Other fitments
No check to be carried out.
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