ESSENTIAL : Observe the safety and cleanliness recommendations
CAUTION : Pour le levage des véhicules électrique, se reporter aux chapitres : "Special case : Electric vehicle ".
1. Front of the vehicle
CAUTION : Do not lift the vehicle via the front.
CAUTION : Never lift by means of the front panel supports.
2. Sideways lifting
CAUTION : Do not position the jack away from the lifting points.
CAUTION : Do not position the stands under the jacking points.
Positioning of the stand.
2.1. Vehicles with body sill trims
CAUTION : Do not lift the vehicle from the side by taking weight on the body sills.
2.2. Vehicles without body sill trims
Side lifting crossbeam [0010].
Positioning of the crossbeam.
Take weight on the sill with the crossbeam, as close as possible to the mating plate.
Position the stand at the location provided for lifting the vehicle with the jack provided.
N.B. : To have 2 wheels suspended, repeat the operation on the other side.
3. Lifting from the rear
CAUTION : Do not lift the vehicle from the rear.
4. Lifting by vehicle jack
4.1. Special case : Electric vehicle
"a" : Zone d’appui de la batterie de traction.
CAUTION : En cas de zone d’appui cric non accessible (présence d’enjoliveurs), positionner le cric sous la zone d’appui de la batterie de traction (In "a" ).
N.B. : La dépose des enjoliveurs de bas de caisse n’est nécessaire qu’en cas de dépose de la batterie traction.
4.2. Cas standard
Lifting from the front.
Lifting from the rear.
N.B. : The jack is specific to the vehicle, do not use for other purposes.
5. Raising by lift
ESSENTIAL : It is essential to comply with the safety instructions relating to the use of lifting equipment.
CAUTION : Make sure that the arms of the lift do not come into direct contact with the vehicle body.
5.1. Special case : Electric vehicle
"a" : Zone d’appui de la batterie de traction.
CAUTION : En cas de zone d’appui cric non accessible (présence d’enjoliveurs), positionner les patins d’appui pont sous la zone d’appui de la batterie de traction (In "a" ).
N.B. : La dépose des enjoliveurs de bas de caisse n’est nécessaire qu’en cas de dépose de la batterie traction.
5.2. 2 column lift : Possible to access the jacking points
Position the lifting blocks underneath the lateral jacking points.
5.3. 2 column lift : Impossible to access the jacking points (Vehicle too low )
If the vehicle height does not permit access to the side jacking points :
5.4. Scissor-type lifting platform with blocks under the jacking points
CAUTION : Electric vehicle : En cas de zone d’appui cric non accessible (présence d’enjoliveurs), positionner les cales d’appui sous la zone d’appui de la batterie de traction.
Scissor-type lifting platform with blocks under the jacking points.
N.B. : This type of platform is not suitable for removal of heavy components (Example : Suspensions - Engine - Fuel tank - Traction battery ).
6. Anti-topple safety
ESSENTIAL : Fit safety straps when the vehicle is placed on a wheel free lift(risk of tilting of the vehicle as a result of lightening when a heavy unit is removed).
6.1. Tooling
[ 1]Safety straps.
6.2. Fitting the safety straps
ESSENTIAL : Check the condition of the safety straps before using them : Do not use worn safety straps . Place protectors on the front seats and on the fragile parts of the vehicle.
Example :
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