ESSENTIAL : Observe the safety and cleanliness recommendations
1. Parts which must always be replaced
Description | Quantity |
O-ring seals | 2 |
2. Tooling
Tool | Reference | Description |
| [0165-Z] (*) | Pliers for removing-refitting elastic clips |
| [1512] (*) | set of two hose clamps |
(*) Use standard workshop equipment if the special too is not available |
3. Removing
Place the vehicle on a 2-post lift.
CAUTION : Perform the operations that are required prior to a disconnection of the ancillaries battery
Disconnect the ancillaries battery.
Remove the under-engine protector (depending on equipment).
Drain the automatic gearbox
Pinch the pipes (3) ; Using the tools [1512].
Slacken the clips (2) ; Using the tool [0165-Z].
Uncouple the pipes (3).
N.B. : Place a container under the heat exchanger (1) (Risk of oil loss).
Remove :
4. Refitting
CAUTION : Observe the tightening torques
Refit :
Connect the pipes (3).
Tighten the clips (2) ; Using the tool [0165-Z].
Remove the tools [1512].
Refit the under-engine protector (depending on equipment).
CAUTION : Perform the operations that are required after reconnecting the ancillaries battery
Reconnect the ancillaries battery .
Return the vehicle to its wheels.
Fill the automatic gearbox and check the level
Fill, bleed and top up the level of the cooling circuit (If necessary).
Update the used oil counter (follow the diagnostic tool procedure).
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